Appointments: 267-259-8077

Is anxiety or depression interfering with your relationship?

el lago de las nubes de coloresAll parts of life involve some anxiety. Work, school, finances, balancing family needs – can involve stress.

If you aren’t able to enjoy your work, family, or friends because of your worries, or if anxiety is preventing you from living your life, therapy can help.

Anxiety can cause you to engage in hurtful behavior such as avoidance, anger, or withdrawal from your partner. Learning to cope with your anxiety is important so that you can enjoy your life, without the exhaustion and tension of anxiety holding you back.

Don’t let anxiety ruin your relationship

If you are considering marriage or a big life change and want to make sure your relationship transitions with you, therapy can help.

Therapy can help you develop the skills and tools that you need to manage your anxiety and create a closer relationship, without anxiety getting in the way. In therapy, Pamela will work with you to improve all aspects of your relationship. Therapy will be focused on helping you meet your goals, and will include techniques for coping with your anxiety.

Do you feel sad all the time?

Do you feel sad for no reason? Are you having trouble concentrating at work or remaining involved at home?

Do you feel less interested in doing things you used to do? Whether you are going through a hard time, or just started feeling sad, we can help.

If you are suffering from fatigue and have constant feelings of worthlessness or helplessness, you may be suffering from depression.

Get help today

Don’t spend another night lying in bed worrying. Call now for a free 15 minute consultation, or just fill out the form and click Send.